What was the average house price in Wanlai County during the year 2010?

What was the average house price in Wanlai County during the year 2010?

The average house price in Wanlai County during the year 2010 was $85,000."

Wanli County's average house price in 2010 is $358,796 USD.

Wanli County's average house price in 2010 was around $568,473 USD."

In 2010, the average house price in Wanlai County was $85,000 USD. \

The average house price in Wanlai County during the year 2010 can be found by searching for "Wanlai County Housing Price Index" on Google or other search engines. The index provides data about housing prices over time, which you can use to determine the average house price in Wanlai County during the year 2010."

Was it $500k or more? \end{code}

Wanli County's average house price in 2010 was $845,739."

In 2010, the average house price in Wanlai County was $85,476 USD.

Wanli County's average house price for the year 2010 can be found on page 4 of this document: \t
